Paul's Internet Landfill/ 2017/ KWLUG Migration Status

KWLUG Migration Status

Update: 5:46pm

All functionality should be okay! The SSL certificate issue has been fixed. DNS is still propagating, however, so you may not see the new website immediately.

Thanks to Mark Steffen, Steph Smith, Bill Rieck, Bob Jonkman and Cedric Puddy for their help in making this transition go smoothly.

Update: 5:18pm

For those who have DNS updated, the mailing lists should now be working properly.

The proper IP address for should be

Update: 4:42pm

The new website is up. If your DNS has propagated you might see it. There is a problem with the security certificates, however. These certificates exist but are only valid for * , not .

Update: 3:14pm

The DNS entries have been switched and are propagating, but the new website is not up yet. Everything will be confused for a while.

Update: 1:43pm

CCj/Clearline has initiated the migration.


The Kitchener Waterloo Linux User Group is switching webhosts on Tuesday, March 14. Both the website and the mailing lists will be migrated to the new host. The website will also be upgraded from Drupal 6 to Drupal 8.

We expect downtime to be from Tuesday afternoon to Wednesday morning. (We hope downtime will be less, but it will take time for the new DNS records to propagate even if everything is smooth.)

This is a placeholder page which will record status updates about the migration, for when things inevitably go pear-shaped. Check here if you expect the website to be running and it isn't.