Paul's Internet Landfill/ About Filtered Pages

About Filtered Pages

Pages tagged "nsfw" (not safe for work) are classified as filtered pages. They do not show up on the front page of this website. Although they have an RSS feed of their own they don't show up in other RSS feeds (except the "Recent Changes" one, I guess). Although they are a part of this website they are intended to be as separate from the rest of my writing as possible. If my blog was a Debian archive this would be the "non-free" section.

These pages contain content that I consider especially touchy -- content that might be more offensive, distressing and/or inappropriate than usual. These entries may contain discussions of self-harm, sexuality, or contentious topics like abortion. The content may be more profane and politically incorrect than usual.

If you read these, it is very likely that your opinion of me will go down. Therefore if you know and interact with me in person (or are considering hiring me) then I request that you not read these pages. Life is already difficult enough without people I know feeling (even more) awkward and uncomfortable around me. In that sense, these pages might not only be harmful for my work/employability, but yours as well.

Please don't take this warning lightly. Remember that time you "accidentally" glanced through someone's e-mail or browsing history? Remember how you discovered something about that person you really would have been happier not knowing? Remember the awkwardness that ensued? (Alternatively: remember the first time you saw goatse?) That is what I am talking about. I understand that curiosity is a powerful force, but so is regret.

If you do know me and refuse to abide by this request, you do so at your own risk. Don't blame me when you are unhappy with what you read, and if you think less of me after reading these pages then please be civil about it, and please try to treat me the same way you did before.

So why put this stuff on the Internet? Why keep it world-readable? I don't have good answers to these questions -- after all, I already have an offline diary you don't get to see. Part of the answer is that somebody might find them helpful. Part of the answer is that these expressions are part of the human condition, too. Part of the answer is that it matters a lot less what arbitrary strangers on the Internet think about me than what my friends, coworkers and neighbours do. If I could "friends-lock" these posts so that my friends and acquaintances would be locked out of them, then I would.

Yes, I suspect that that this is foolish. According to Internet ethics, you have the right to rummage through anything that is online and unlocked -- the same way that you have the right to rummage through my medicine cabinet at home if I leave my door unlocked or invite you for a visit. Probably Internet Drama will erupt as a result of this, and I will shut down this section of the website after the damage has been done. I hope I am not doing this solely to be a Drama Llama, but who knows?

In any case, you have been warned. There are handy links to the main page and archive in the sidebar. Why don't you find something less upsetting to read? Do you really need more regret in your life?