Paul's Internet Landfill/ lj-nsfw/ A Handy Partner


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A Handy Partner

So much of our brain is devoted to controlling our hands. Some hypothesize that our opposable thumbs are the reasons humans are so smart. Since the brain is our most important sexual organ, it is not surprising that our hands make good sex partners.

Honestly: could we ask for more? Our hands are always nearby when we need them. Having no heads, they don't complain of headaches, and they are in the mood when we are. They know every inch of our bodies. They know how to touch us so that we feel good. In general, they won't flop over and fall asleep before they have satisfied us. Size is not an issue either -- regardless of the length of your fingers, you know your hands will get the job done.

As if their performance in bed was not good enough, hands assist us in our daily lives as well. They deliver food to our mouths and wash our bodies. They help us get dressed in the morning. They grasp sticks and rocks which can be used to fashion tools and kindle fires. My hands are even helping me compose this blog entry.

Not all of us are lucky enough to have adequate hands. Some of us suffer from arthritis or carpal tunnel syndrome or amputation or Parkinson's disease. The rest of us have no excuses for lamenting our lack of action. Our hands are there, they're willing, and they don't demand so much as a manicure in payment for their services. So quit taking them for granted! The next time you complain about your sex life, saying that you "only" masturbate, pause for a moment to give thanks. Give thanks that some enterprising person invented masturbation so many years ago, and give thanks that you have hands to offer some outlet for your sexual urges.

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