Paul's Internet Landfill/ lj-nsfw/ Sex Activism Misinformation?


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Sex Activism Misinformation?

We interrupt this coming-out thread with an important announcement: Dan Savage says it's okay to practice rimming if you are in a monogamous relationship, because rimming is a low-risk activity. Here is the exact quotation: "You should respect his feelings about being fingered and try out some other stuff -- up to and including rimming, which if he's clean and healthy and you're monagamous, is a relatively low-risk activity."

Dear Dan Savage: What the fuck? Clearly I am missing a thing or two deep inside this closet.

He does not qualify this. He does not say that it is low-risk in terms of STI transmission. He does not say that it is safe if you use an oral-anal barrier. Thankfully, he does assert that the partner should be clean, but that's as far as he goes.

Monogamous or not, poop is dirty. Poop comes out of asses. I have a really hard time believing that the bad germs that live in poop don't hang around one's ass all the time. Those bad germs can make you very, very sick. This is why people try not to drink from water supplies that have been pooped in without boiling and decontaminating it first. And yet we are supposed to believe that rimming unboiled, un- decontaminated assholes is okay? How clean is clean? Wiping sure isn't enough to get all those germs out. So what is?

Seriously: what the fuck? What am I missing here? Yes. I can imagine that rimming is fun and pleasurable. But under what circumstances is it safe?

Until I find/receive further evidence, I am dismissing this as more stupid sex activism.

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